Street Fighter Wiki

Cyber Chips are devices which were used in Street Fighter II V. The chips were made by Shadaloo to control the minds of fighters. The chips were tested on various subjects, including Subject 27610, Ryu, and Chun-Li. M. Bison also intended to use it on Ken and perhaps Guile as well.

The Cyber Chip is implanted in the subject's forehead, being shaped like an inverted triangle and is made of diamond metal. It is a high-capacity microwave receiver as it captures digital signals emitted by the pulse transmitter connected to the Shadaloo matrix computer. The chip connects in front of the frontal region of the brain, which allows the Shadaloo matrix computer to fully control the brain, such as creativity, emotions, and motor functions. Whoever wears the chip, their eyes turn red (showing that they are under the control of its influence). The subject will not be able to decide on their actions as they will only be able to think, feel, and do what they are told to and ordered from the Shadaloo matrix computer itself. Shadaloo's plan is to implant Cyber Chips in warriors to have its own army of brainwashed soldiers who will loyally serve and obey M. Bison without question.

Ryu was not the first one to be implanted with the Cyber Chip as an earlier prototype test version of said chip was used on an unnamed person known only as Subject 27610 as the Cyber Chip was in its final development and wasn't completely finished yet as Shadaloo's scientists were not able to control the impulse signals. Ryu was the first warrior to use the completed Cyber Chip, making him Shadaloo's first brainwashed soldier. It was against his own will as Shadaloo kidnapped him in order to control his great power. Ryu became M. Bison's puppet, completely controlling his will and his actions, with a similar fate also befalling Chun-Li as well later on, though the two of them would eventually be freed from the Cyber Chip brainwashing via the rescuing efforts of both Ken and Guile.

