Street Fighter Wiki

The Power Bomb is one of Alex's special attacks, introduced in the Street Fighter III series.

All appearances Arcade Stick HCB+Arcade Button Punch



Alex using his Power Bomb to slam Cammy into the ground in Street Fighter V.

Executed by performing a half-circle backward motion and pressing punch, Alex places his opponent's head in between his legs, putting them in a standing headscissors position. With his arms around their waist, Alex jumps and lifts his opponent up on his shoulders. As Alex drops down, he slams his opponent back-first on to the ground.

Street Fighter III series[]

If Alex uses this while the enemy is not facing him, the move becomes a German Suplex instead, later called in Street Fighter V as the Power Drop. This can be done right after landing behind the enemy, or while the enemy is stunned from a successful Flash Chop.

Street Fighter V series[]

During the EX version, right after Alex puts his opponent in a standing head-scissors and wraps his arms around their waist, he pushes off the ground with his legs to flip himself and his opponent over. After completing the rotation, Alex slams his opponent back-first on to the ground.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom[]

While this move functions largely the same (even for his Flash Chop variation), it can now be performed in midair and even combo'ed into from his jumping normals (even from his Flying Cross Chop converted to being his jumping Heavy, whiff or on-hit/block). The notable new trait for the aerial version however, is now that when done at higher heights for either version, the damage increases due to Alex slamming the foe from a higher altitude. This alone can make Alex's air combos/aerial raves far more damaging in the right hands.



Alex slamming Cammy into the ground using Power Bomb.

This command throw has a fast startup and inflicts more damage than any of Alex's normal throws. However, his command throw have a lot of recovery frames, leaving Alex defenseless if he whiffs.

Because it's a command grab, this move cannot be blocked. It is great for keeping the opponent on their heels, as well as utilizing tick throws. With it's fast startup, he can use this move to break down their defenses and deal a large chunk of damage at the same time. Alex can condition his opponent to constantly block his offensive pressure and frame trap normals, and then surprise them with his command throw.

A common tactic is to use Alex's Flash Chop. Because the Flash Chop doesn't usually lead to a knockdown and because it leaves Alex plus on block, he can mix up his command grabs and pressuring frame traps to keep his opponent guessing and remaining on the defensive.

The strength of the punch button determines the range and damage inflicted. The Light version does the least amount of damage, but has the longer range. The Heavy version has the shortest range, but inflicts the most damage. The EX version has the longer range and inflicts more damage, compared to her normal versions.

By utilizing his command throws to pressure the opponent, Alex can break down their defense and shut down their offense.

It is advised to vary usage of this move and regular throws, as regular throws allow Alex to punish jump away or neutral jumps that would punish this command grab. In turn by varying between this and his regular grab the power bomb beats tech attempts that would stop his regular throw.





Attack Frames[]

Street Fighter III[]


  • This move is arguably based on a popular professional wrestling move called the Powerbomb.
  • The EX version has Alex performing a flip before delivering the Power Bomb. This move is based off of a professional wrestling move called the Sunset Flip Powerbomb, also known as the Code Red after its creator Amazing Red, where the wrestler grabs a bent opponent and flips them onto their back.