Street Fighter Wiki

He has had a leather whip the whole time. Look at the tip in the art in the instruction manual and the tip of his weapon on his in game sprite. There is an extra round shape at the tip. It isn't just a cane. Also look at how he holds it in the game as he walks. Like a military instructor or school teacher holds a whip. You hold it that way because you can flick your wrist backwards and use it. You don't flick a cain like that. You have to swing a cain. Even though in the game, they give him a full swing and not just a flick. Lol.

In the older art it was supposed to be the longer dressage whip, to go with the circus and animal taming motif. In the manual, it was supposed to be light brown or light tan leather colored, maybe even ivory colored, but not white. The stiffness of the weapon in the game was due to hardware limitations. They could have drawn an extra sprite to show the "bending of the weapon", but they didn't. Please remove all this "cane" stuff.

Pr imgbig 478 frustino-dressage-grip-pelle-110-og

The handle and tip of a dressing whip.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by DeWente69 (talkcontribs)
