Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Yun.

Street Fighter III series[]

New Generation[]

In Battle[]

(VA: Koji Tobe)
Japanese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「弱過ぎるだぜ」(`Yowasugiru daze') "You're too weak." Victory
(VA: Koji Tobe)
Chinese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「再见!」 "Goodbye!" Victory

Win Quotes[]

  • "It's almost scary how perfect I am!"
  • "Sometimes I beat up people too much. Not again!"
  • "Hey you! The one with weak moves! Are you still alive?"
  • "Your attacks didn't even graze my skin!"
  • "Everyone expects the true Kung Fu master will win."
  • "I've shown you the best moves I've got... the best Kung Fu in the world!"

2nd Impact[]

In Battle[]

(VA: Koji Tobe)
Japanese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「俺には勝てないって」(`Oreniha katenai tte') "You can't beat me!" Intro
「買ったぜ、この喧嘩」(`Katta ze, kono kenka') "I'm taking this fight!" Intro
「準備はいいかい?」(`Junbi wa ī kai?') "Are you ready?" Intro
「よし、行くぜ」(`Yoshi, iku ze') "Alright, let's go."
「かかってこいよ」(`Kakatte koi yo') "Come on." Taunt
「つまんねーなー」(`Tsuman ne ̄na') "This is boring." Taunt
「ざっとこんなもん!」(`Zatto kon'na mon!') "That's how you do it!" Victory
(VA: Koji Tobe)
Chinese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「再见!」 "Goodbye!" Victory

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Urien[]

Urien: "Chinese Kung Fu means nothing to me. You should be my soldier!"

Yun: "A soldier? Me? Not if I have to wear one of those!"

vs. Yang[]

Yun: "Yang's my final opponent?! Then my journey is at an end..."

Yang: "Come on, brother! We'll set forth on a new journey together!"

Win Quotes (generic)[]

  • "It's only natural you lost. Rest now."
  • "I've shown you the best moves I've got... the best Kung Fu in the whole world!"
  • "Everyone expects the true Kung Fu master will win."
  • "Hey you! The one with the weak moves! Are you still alive?"
  • "I can't bear to watch your moves. They're too un-cool for words!"
  • "I never imagined I could have a hard fight... Maybe I don't imagine enough, but who cares?"
  • "Things end too quickly these days. I barely got started!"

Win Quotes (Super Art Finish)[]

  • "Your jaw! Did I break it with my You-hou?"
  • "Finishing with one You-hou! That's such a great feeling!"
  • "Learning to avoid is an essential skill... Although you can't escape my Genei-jin..."
  • "Genei-jin is too fast to be seen! Perhaps you should just sit there and let me hit you!"

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]

  • "I've seen a statue of you somewhere... in a temple?"
  • "A boar like you will never beat me! I'm too good!"
  • "Come on! Stand up! We're still friends, right?"
  • "HEY! Ninja wimp! You are SO cute! ...Not!"
  • "The only true dragons are the followers of Chinese Kung Fu!"
  • "You're such a freak ! What are you made of? Rubber?"
  • "You're the freakiest old man I've ever met... I thought this was a fight, not a horror movie!"
  • "You're a pretty good fighter. But pretty good will never beat the best! I'm so happy!"
  • "What's shakin', small fry? Or is it "Vegetable Head?""
  • "Bad boys must be punished! But I'll punish you first, "Iron Freak!""
  • "Don't be so angry! If you're so sully, all your little friends will call you Mr. Sully!"
  • "Do you skate as badly as you fight? Would you like a rematch on skateboards?"

Third Strike[]

In Battle[]

(VA: Kentaro Ito)
Japanese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「俺には勝てないって」(`Ore ni wa katenait'te) "You can't beat me!" Intro
「買ったぜ、この喧嘩」(`Katta ze, kono kenka') "I'm taking this fight!" Intro
「幻影陣!」(`Genei Jin!') "Phantom Circle!" Super art.
「つまんねーなー」(`Tsuman ne ̄na') "This is boring." Taunt
「かかってこいよ」(`Kakatte koi yo') "Come on." Taunt
「余裕だぜ!」(`Yoyūda ze!') "That was easy." Victory
「ざっとこんなもん!」(`Zatto kon'na mon!') "That's how you do it!" Victory
(VA: Wataru Takagi)
Chinese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「再见!」 "Goodbye!" Victory

Rival Dialogue[]

vs. Gill[]

Yun: "So... you are Gill... What's up with your plan to conquer the world? Wake up already!"

Gill: "Youth tends to be reckless, but it's not my intention to blame you. Think about it. What is the ideal way for you to live? It should be obvious to a boy like you. Just leave everything to me!"

Yun: "Aaargh! Stop preaching to me! Let our fists do the talking!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "I see why you lost... You weren't having any fun during the fight!"
  • "Now you're always afraid of things falling on you from above? Sorry!"
  • "I'd rather rave than misbehave! Later!"
  • "Don't you know it's rude to ask your opponent to let you win a round?!"
  • "My skateboard isn't a stretcher, but it'll get you to the hospital!"
  • "Perhaps you'd prefer to challenge me at a skateboarding game?"
  • "Cheap? I paid a lot for this hat!"
  • "My style may change, but the outcome is always the same. I win. You lose!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)[]

  • "A clean hit!"「クリーンヒットだな!」
  • "I'm trying to protect a town right now. I don't have the time to be lost around here."「街ひとつ仕切ろうってんだ こんな所でまごついちゃいられない」
  • "You looked strong, but boy, was I wrong. ...I've yet to ascertain a good pair of judging eyes."「強そうだと思ったんだけど ・・・・俺もまだ見る目がないな」
  • "If you're having a hard time, just lay down pronto. It's not good for your health, otherwise."「苦しかったら早めにダウンしな 健康に悪いぜ」
  • "This ain't good, my eyes are wasting away here."「ダメだな、眼が死んでたぜ」
  • "What have you been doing up to now? None of your hits are even landing!"「さっきからなにやってんだ?全然当たらねえぜ!」
  • "You said you wanna know why you lost? It was due to your foolishness, which led you to asking me that very same question."「負けた理由が知りたい、だって?それを俺に聞く愚かさの事だよ!」
  • "I can't even stop myself once I've gotten heated up... Sorry."「熱くなっちまったら 自分でも止められないんだ・・・・悪いな」

Win Quotes (character specific) (Japanese)[]

  • "I was actually scared before the fight even began... Looks like I won somehow."「正直ビビッてたよ、やる前は・・・・ なんとか勝てたみたいだな」
  • "I'm scornful of your mighty blows. I somehow paid you back in full, though..."「一発の威力をあなどってたぜなんとか返せたけどな・・・・」
  • "How about we drink some tea? We can get back to fighting again after we're done."「これから飲茶しない?その後もう一回勝負ってことでさ」
  • "You come off as a well-to-do little master. Come at me with a fiercer style!"「お坊ちゃん、て感じだな もっと荒っぽくいこうぜ!」
  • "You were the one who said, "Let's have fun," and here you are, kicking me around with everything you've got."「楽しもう、って言ったわりには 思いっきり蹴ってくれるよなー」
  • "You do realize you're not too far off from those everyday people who go out streaking, right?"「自分が凡人でストリーキング以下だって 思い知ったかい?」
  • "We're not underwater here, so move with some actual speed!"「水の中じゃあるまいし もっとテキパキ動きなよ!」
  • "Why don't you try becoming a gymnast to make use of your talents?"「いっそ体操選手にでもなったらどうだい?」
  • "I think it's about time you called it quits. You having trouble breathing over there?"「そろそろ現役引退しなよ息があがってるぜ?」
  • "Don't go making such a scary face at me. This is just how things have to be."「恐い顔すんなこれがルールなんだからよ」
  • "While that was all well and good for my bloodflow, you can stop it now with the electric attacks.「血行は良くなりそうだけど もう電撃はゴメンだ」
  • "Aww man, I never wanna grow old, especially as old as you!"「あーあ、年は取りたくないな 特にアンタみたくは!」
  • "I was trying to warn ya, but it looks like you're about to get arrested!"「忠告しといてやるけどあんた、そのうち捕まるぞ!」
  • "If fighting makes someone a sinner, what does that make you?"「闘うのが罪って言うならあんたはどうなんだ?」
  • "You were crazy strong, as expected. I had to give my best just to catch you off guard."「さすがにバカっ強いな 不意を突くのが精一杯だぜ」
  • "I'll end it with this final bl-... Wait, don't just fall over before I got to show off my goods, dude!"「さあ一発キメる・・・・ってオイ、見せ場の前に倒れるなよ!」
  • "An opponent like this who's hard to get a read on is the most troublesome to deal with."「こういう意思疎通の難しい相手が いちばんやっかいなんだよ」
  • "You're, without a doubt, not as majestic as any Greek sculpture I've seen."「ギリシャ彫刻ほどには 美しくないな」
  • "I said you were 100 years too early to beat me. Don't you remember me telling you the same thing yesterday?"「俺に勝つのは100年早いって昨日も言ったろ?」
  • "Looking at myself objectively, I may actually come off as lame...「・・・・こうして客観的に見ると 俺ってダサいかも・・・・」

Capcom vs. SNK 2[]

In Battle[]

(VA: Kentaro Ito)
Japanese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「俺には勝てないって」(`Oreniha katenai tte') "You can't beat me!" Intro
「買ったぜ、この喧嘩」(`Katta ze, kono kenka') "I'm taking this fight!" Intro
「いっちょ、揉んでやるか」(`ittyo monndeyaruka`) "Lets give it a squeeze." Intro
「行くぞ!」(`Ikuzo!') "Let's go!" intro
「行くぜ、兄貴!」(`Ikuze, aniki!') "Let's go, brother!" super art.
「つまんねーなー」(`Tsuman ne ̄na') "This is boring." Taunt
「かかってこいよ」(`Kakatte koi yo') "Come on." Taunt
「余裕だぜ!」(`Yoyūda ze!') "That was easy." Victory
「ざっとこんなもん!」(`Zatto kon'na mon!') "That's how you do it!" Victory
(VA: Wataru Takagi)
Chinese Translation Audio Occurs when/during
「再见!」 "Goodbye!" Victory

Before Finals[]

  • "Quick and simple is the way to the best fight!"

Win Quotes[]

  • "Prepare for the battle, prepare for the war!"
  • "I have been waiting for this battle for a long time!"
  • "What if this is as good as it gets?!"
  • "You're not a bad fighter. I am just a better fighter!"
  • "I will be the best in the world!"
  • "Beating you was as easy as one, two, three!"
  • "When you're young everything is easy!"
  • "Challenge is only a matter of perspective!"

Before Finals (JPN Version)[]

  • "Thought I'd be nervous, but I'm not. Let's win this thing in a flash, as always!"「緊張するかと思ったけど、そうでもないな。いつもどおり、スパッと勝つか!

Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]

  • "We've got a pretty good group of people to play with here. Let's have some more fun!"「なかなか遊びがいのある連中が揃ってるな。もう少し楽しんでいくか!」
  • "Is this the only kind of people you know? The world's surprisingly small, isn't it?"「こんなヤツらしかいねえのか?世界って、意外と狭いんだな。」
  • "It's a little depressing. It's better to stop them before they get serious."「萎えちまうよなあ。本気になるまえに潰れちゃあよ。」
  • "I already told you. You can't beat me!"「だから言ったろ。俺には勝てっこないって!」
  • "Enough with the qualifiers. Can't you show me something better than that?"「もう予選はいいっての。もっとマトモなのは出てこないのかい?」
  • "Don't go home just yet. You're not gonna make this game any more exciting than it already is."「もう帰んなよ。あんたとじゃ試合も盛り上がらねえぜ。」
  • "I don't care who you are! You don't want to make me get serious!"「誰でもいいぜ!俺を本気にさせなよ!」
  • "Ah well, don't get too disappointed. The deck was stacked against you from the start."「まあそう悔しがるなよ。そもそも、元のデキが違うんだからさ。」

Character Specific Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]


  • "Were you born with that face? I dunno if that's good or bad for a martial artist..."「生まれつき、その顔かい? 格闘家としては、得なのか損なのか・・・・。」
  • "Sorry about that... I think I might have made you even stupider."「悪ぃ・・・・ 余計にアタマ悪くしちまったかも。」
  • "Do us all a favor, and at least try and separate your opponents from your food!"「頼むから、対戦相手と食い物の区別くらいつけてくれ!」
  • "Hey, you still alive? If you don't say something, people might start freaking out."「おーい、生きてるか? あんまり無口だと、余計な心配しちまうぜ。」
  • "When the moment comes, it's no good if you miss it."「潮時ってのは、逃すとみっともないんだぜ。」
  • "You're the strongest, huh? Y'know, I think I get what you mean..."「あんた最強だって? ・・・・なんとなく、言わんとする事はわかったよ。」
  • "You... You don't remember anyone experimenting on you, do you?"「あんた・・・・誰かに改造された覚えはねえか?」
  • "What's with the face paint, dude? You trying to start the Chinese Opera or something?"「なんだ、その顔? 京劇でも始めようってのかい?」
  • "You're too focused on hitting below the belt! You're only hurting my thighs!"「急所ばかり狙いやがって! 思わず、内股になっちまうだろ!」
  • "You're strong, no doubt. But I don't want to turn out like that."「確かに強いよ、あんたは。そんな風に、イっちまいたくはないけどな。」
  • "This is nothing like the army, right? Young people are always rebellious."「軍隊とは、わけが違うだろ? 若者はいつだって反抗的なもんさ。」
  • "'The Rising Dragon of Flame', huh... Well, that's almost right. If I were you, I'd change the name to 'Reckless Flame!'"「「炎の昇龍」・・・・まあだいたい合ってるな。俺なら「ファイヤー無鉄砲」とヒネるね!」
  • "I don't like people with blank expressions on their face. Don't you look a little dull for your age?"「表情の乏しいヤツは苦手だね。あんた、年よりフケて見られねえか?」
  • "I'm gonna yawn before I cry in despair!"「絶望する前にアクビが出ちまうぜ!」
  • "You look like you're an expert with that weapon, so you're not just waving it around, right?"「いかにもクロウトっぽい武器使ってるけど、適当に振りまわしてるだけだろ?」
  • "It's a policy of mine to get a good night's sleep. I'm not playing with you!"「夜はグッスリ寝る主義でね。あんたとは遊んでらんないよ!」
  • "It's tough finding work these days, but I still don't wanna work for you."「就職氷河期、なんて言うけどあんたのところじゃ働きたくないな。」
  • "I'd say it's about time you retired... But I know I'd be wasting my breath."「そろそろ引退しなよ・・・・って、言ってもあんたは聞きそうにないな。」
  • "Are you sure you're a Fierce Tiger? Seems to me you're more like a tabby cat!"「「猛虎」ってほど立派なもんか? オレにとっちゃ「虎ネコ」ってとこだな!」
  • "Ha ha, good luck trying to copy me. Stealing my moves won't be so easy, though!"「はは、頑張ってマネしてくれよ。そう簡単に俺のワザは盗めないけどな!」
  • "Amazing. Somehow, your face got even more intense!"「なんか凄えな。いかつい顔がさらにパワーアップだ!」
  • "For a mere dragonfly, you've got a lot of nerve. Plus, you're way too concerned with aesthetics."「ただのトンビにしちゃ、タチが悪いな。おまけに美意識過剰ときてやがる。」
  • "I guess I've made a bit of a name for myself in the world. I mean, I've already imitators out there!"「俺もちょっとは世界に名が知れたかな。こんなニセモノまで出てくるんだもんな!」
  • "Get away from me, man! I don't ever wanna be stuck in your crotch again!"「ひゃあ、もう近寄るなって! あんたの股間には2度とうずまりたくねえ!」


  • "Ah! I've got your CD! I might as well get your autograph, right?"「あっ! 俺、あんたのCDもってるぜ! せっかくだからサインもらっとこうかな?」
  • "Number of female fans? I dunno... I guess I never thought about it, besides I don't need to, right?"「女性ファンの数? さあね・・・・意識したことねえし、する必要もないんじゃないか?」
  • "One of these days, you're gonna get caught again, y'know? That face paired with an iron ball just scream criminal."「そのうち、また捕まるんじゃねえの? 顔も鉄球も、犯罪クラスだからな。」
  • "You've gone from the boss of a city to nothing more than a thug!"「街のボスから、チンピラ以下に格下げだ!」
  • "You couldn't even get into a convenience store with a face like that. Go to sleep!"「どっちにしろ、そんな形相じゃコンビニにも入れねえよ。寝てな!」
  • "Too slow, you old samurai. You'll never hit me with that sword, no matter how many times you swing it!"「遅いぜ、サムライのおっさん。そんなんじゃ、何年振っても当たらないぜ!」
  • "Are you disappointed you didn't get to take that special breath? Then go sharpen your sword and come try again!"「とっておきを封じられて、ガッカリかい? 刀でも磨き直して、また来なよ!」
  • "'Most Unpopular Guy in History' sounds pretty good for your tagline, no?"「「史上最悪のヤツ当たり男」あんたのコピー、これでどうだい?」
  • "If it's just about your burning enthusiasm, I felt it loud and clear. ...So, is that your best?"「熱意だけは、暑苦しいほど伝わったよ。・・・・あんた、それでバンイチなのか?」
  • "Justice this, justice that... You say it to yourself, but you're not making sense, are you?"「正義、正義って・・・・ 自分で言ってて、意味わかんなくなってないか?」
  • "I'm getting more and more confused! I don't even know which style of Muay Thai is legit!"「ますます解らねえ! ムエタイって、どれが正統派なんだよ!」
  • "You know, you usually outgrow playing with fire when you're a kid. Don't you have anything better to do? Like your homework!"「普通、火遊びはガキの頃に卒業するぜ。他にすることないのか? 宿題とかよ!」
  • "I dunno how you're the best in Japan... I've got an idea, but I think I'll keep my mouth shut."「まったく、ナニが日本一だか・・・・。1つ思いついたけど、言うのはやめとくぜ。」
  • "Protecting nature, huh... Isn't there a bit of a gap between your words and your actions?"「自然を守るために、ね・・・・。言葉と行動に、ギャップがありすぎねえか?」
  • "You're just rampaging all over the place... Think about the problems you're causing me."「暴れるだけ暴れまくりやがって・・・・。少しはこっちの迷惑も考えろって。」
  • "Ah, my eyes! Take that thing off... No wait, don't take it off!!"「あー、目がチカチカする! それ脱いでくれ・・・・いや待て、脱ぐな!!」
  • "Just like your name says, you could fly like a bird! Or is it more correct to say you were blown away?"「名前どおり、鳥みたいに飛べたな! あ、ブッ飛ばされたってのが正解かな?」
  • "Your attitude of that everything should be exactly how you want it really pisses me off!"「なんでも自分の思うままって態度が、すっげえムカつくんだよな!」
  • "I wonder why someone who runs a dojo would wanna take over the family business"「道場持ってるヤツって、どうしてこうも家業を継ぎたがるんだろうな。」
  • "The Hungry Wolf? Nothing can beat the Twin Dragons!"「「餓狼」だって? 「双龍」にゃ勝てっこないって!」
  • "I had to take that stubborn old guy down as soon as possible. If he'd started preaching, it would've been unbearable."「頑固親父は、とっとと倒さねえとな。説教でも始められちゃ。かなわねえよ。」
  • "Trying to catch a young boy in his prime and break his bones, you've got issues lady."「育ち盛りの少年つかまえて、骨を折るだの潰すだのって、物騒だぜ。」
  • "It's guys like this that ruin society. They don't know the word reflection!"「こういうヤツが、社会をダメにするんだ。反省って言葉を知らねえからな!」
  • "I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this, but you need to calm down a little."「俺が言うのもなんだけどよ、少しは落ち着けよ。」

Team Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]



Yun: "This is what the "world" has to offer? You're making me laugh!"「これで「世界」だって?笑っちまうぜ!」

Akuma: "You both have yet to experience a living hell in which eternal suffering awaits!"「うぬらは未だ等活地獄を知らず!」


Yun: "Maybe I shouldn't have bothered teaming up."『わざわざチーム組む必要、なかったかもな。』

Balrog: "We're tryin' to win here, so don't get cocky!"「勝ちをめぐんでやってんだ、イキがるな!」

(Yun as Partner)

Balrog: "Why's everyone giving me the cold shoulder!"「どいつもこいつも、ガンくれやがって!」

Yun: "Who wouldn't with that weird face of yours."「その奇怪な顔、誰でも1回は振り向くぜ。」


Yun: "I think this team might need some work."『自分でも節操のないチームだと思うぜ。』

Blanka: "Totally! Uooh-oooh!"「まっだぐだ! ウオッウオッ!」


Yun: "You should be happy with this."『あんたも、少しは喜びなよ。』

Cammy: "Why? My mission is incomplete."「何にだ? まだ任務は完了していない。」

(Yun as Partner)

Cammy: "...Understood."「..........了解。」

Yun: "What exactly did you respond to with "understood!?" I'm getting bad vibes about this..."「な、何を了解したんだ!? 気になるぜ・・・・!」


Yun: "No way, it can't be over already."『まさか、これで終わりじゃないだろうな。』

Chun-Li: "Don't worry, there's a strong team waiting for us."「心配しなくても強豪が待ち構えてるわ。」

(Yun as Partner)

Chun-Li: "It seems to me that you have yet to understand the strength found in Chinese martial arts."「中国拳法の強さ、まだ解らないみたいね。」

Yun: "Are you trying to lecture me as if I'm some beginner?"「俺が初心者向けにレクチャーしようか?」


Yun: "Taunting just feels good to me."「挑発って、やるほうはいい気分だけどな。」

Dan: "Oh! A chance to taunt! Here it is!"「おう! チャンスがありや挑発! これよ!」


Yun: I don't show off my hand that easily!"『簡単に奥の手は見せねえよ!』

Dhalsim "There is no back or front to one's hand. It can be stretched freely."「手に、奥も前もない。自在に伸ばすが良し。」

E. Honda

Yun: "I'm three steps ahead of you in speed and power!"『スピードもパワーも、3枚ほど上だぜ!』

E. Honda: "And you've passed my apprenticeship test with flying colours!"「新弟子試験にもバッチリ合格じゃのう!」


Yun: "Yo geezer, what are you staring at?"「・・・・おっさん、何ジロジロ見てんだよ。」

Eagle: "Oh, nothing to worry over, I ensure you. I merely had an interest of witnessing the flexibility of kung-fu."「いやなに、クンフーの柔軟性に興味が、ね。」


Yun: "I knew I wasn't gonna lose!"『負ける気なんて、全然しなかったぜ!』

Guile: "You'll learn the difference between confidence and recklessness."「無謀と自信の違い、いずれ解るだろう。」


Yun: "This is the strength of a real dragon!"『これが本物のドラゴンの強さだぜ!』

Ken: "Well, I'll tell you this. Soon enough you'll understand you're just a frog in a well."「ま、言わせるさ。そのうち大海を知るぜ。」


Yun: "Your best wasn't even all that!"「あんたの本気も、大したことないな!」

Kyosuke: "You should've studied up on us some more before we fought."「もっと僕らのことを研究してくるべきだな。」

M. Bison

Yun: "I'm regretting that we paired up with you now."「今じゃあんたと組んだのを後悔してるぜ。」

M. Bison: "That regret can soon change into despair if you're not careful."「その悔恨も、たちまち絶望に変わる。」


Yun: "Haven't you warmed up to the idea of fighting now?"「そろそろ闘いたくなってきたんじゃない?」

Maki: "...Mmm? Nah, not really."「・・・・ん?いや、全然。」


Yun: "Just end it already if you're bored."「退屈なら、あんたがとどめを刺しなよ。」

Morrigan: "I would much rather find excitement playing with you if given the choice."「どっちかって言うと、あなたと遊びたいわ。」

(Yun as Partner)

Morrigan: "Perhaps my exhibition was a tad bit difficult on the eyes for you boys?"「お子様には目の毒だったかしら?」

Yun: "When you put it like that, I guess so."「そのケバケバしさに、多少はね。」


Yun: "I told you we'd win without having to follow your orders!"「あんたの指図なんかなくても、勝てるって!」

Rolento: "You ignored my orders! I'll subject you to a court martial!!"「命令を無視したなッ! 軍法会議モノだッ!!」


Yun: "Did I give you a little scare?"『ちょっとだけヒヤッとしたかな?』

Ryu: "Serious fights always come down to the wire."「真剣勝負はいつだって、紙一重の攻防だ。」


Yun: "You just lost to the Twin Dragons! We'll break through any defense you've got!"「これぞ双龍!どこまでも突き抜けるぜ!」

Sagat: "Dragon...? You both are far from being on the same level as a rising dragon which pierces the heavens."「龍・・・・? 天を衝く昇龍には遠く及ばんな。」


Yun: "Nothing we can't handle!"『俺たちにかかりゃ、チョロイって!』

Sakura: "How nice... You're so different from my brother."「いいなー。あたしの弟とは大違いだよ。」


Yun: "In my opinion that was pretty 'artistic', wasn't it?"「俺的には、かなり「アート」だったけど?」

Vega: "It's not a feast without bloodshed."「流血なくして祭宴とは呼べぬ。」

(Yun as Partner)

Vega: "For a sublime finale, you seem to be lacking the voice to give admiration!"「華麗なる終焉に、感嘆の声も出ぬようだな!」

Yun: "...I'm just too shocked to say anything!"「・・・・あきれてものが言えないんだよ!」


Yun: "With a number like this, it should be a piece of cake!"「こんだけいりゃあ、楽勝だろ!」

Yun: "Oh well! By the way, this number... is it okay?"「まあな! ところで、この人数・・・・いいのか?」


Yun: "Too many of these guys underestimate me!"『なめてかかってくるヤツが多すぎだって!』

Zangief: "I'll politely throw them away. It would be a mercy!"「丁重に投げ返してやる。それも慈悲だろう!」



Yun: "We're trying to protect a city here!"「こっちは街ひとつ守ってんだからな!」

Athena: "In times like those, you must respond to the voices of expectations!"「期待の声には、応えないといけないもんね」

(Yun as Partner)

Athena: "And we're finished. Thank you all for the fight!"「以上です。ありがとうございましたっ!」

Yun: "It doesn't seem like they're in the mood to return praises over there."「向こうは、礼を返す気分じゃないだろうな。」


Yun: "? Hey, what's with you and those gestures!?"「?おい、なに愛想ふりまいてんだ!?」

Benimaru: "It's fan service. You should also respond to the cheers of our fans!"「ファンサービスさ。君も声援に応えなよ!」

(Yun as Partner)

Benimaru: "I'll be the most eye-catching one here even if I stay silent!"「黙っていても、俺が1番目立つな!」

Yun: "I guess you're right. No one's copying you either."「そのナリじゃな。真似するやつもいないし。」


Yun: "Justice? My way of doing things is fine as-is!"「正義?俺流で結構!」

Chang: "That kinda logic ain't gonna fly with Master Kim."「その理屈は、キムのダンナには通用しねえ。」

(Yun as Partner)

Chang: "*Chew*, We are, *chew chew*, invincible!"『ムゴ、オレたち、ムグムグ、ムデギだぁ!』

Yun: "Hey, don't talk with mouthful of kimchi! You're gross, dude!"「キムチ食いながらしゃべるな! 汚ねえな!」


Yun: "I won't be beaten so easily!"「俺は簡単にゃヘコまねえぜ!」

Geese: "To think the bluff of these two brats worked, the result is painfully obvious."「小僧の虚勢が通用するとは、先が知れるな。」

(Yun as Partner)

Geese: "Do we really need all of these people here to clean up the trash?"「クズ掃除に、こんなに頭数が必要か?」

Yun: "What!? You know what, Yang, we're taking a break for the next match!"「何ィ!? おいヤン、次の試合休んでろ!」


Yun: "I'm open to a rematch once you've cooled yourself off!"「いっぺん自分の頭を冷やしてからきな!」

Haohmaru: "Allowing yourself to succumb to anger invites death!"「トサカに来てっと、すぐオッ死ぬぜ!」


Yun: "So, you gonna' cut em down?"「どうする?こいつ斬っとくかい?」

Hibiki: "I would never brandish my sword against a defenseless person."「無抵抗の人に振るう刀など、ありません。」

(Yun as Partner)

Hibiki: "Even though I don't like to fight without a good reason..."「故なき争いは、好みませんが・・・・。」

Yun: "When it comes to the unreasonable, the only choice is to strike first!"「理屈のきかねえヤツには、先手必勝だぜ!」


Yun: "What's with that disgruntled look of yours, dude. We just won, you know?"「なにが不満なんだよ。勝ったんだぜ?」

Iori: "Allies, friendship, teams... I'm fed up with them all!"「仲間、友情、チーム・・・・どれもうんざりだ!」

(Yun as Partner)

Iori: "What's wrong... Why didn't you finish them off?!"「どうした・・・・殺すんじゃなかったのか!」

Yun: "Don't lump me in with someone murderous like you."「いつも殺意満面のあんたと一緒にすんなよ。」


Yun: "We're at the age where our bodies are itching to let loose!"「暴れたい年頃なもんでね!」

Joe: "My youth has been raging for the past few years, too!"「俺の青春もここ数年、大全開中だ!」


Yun: "That was way too easy! I got the next guy covered!"「楽勝だな!次も俺にまかせとけ!」

Kim: "Sounds good to me. I'll trust your confidence and entrust the rest to you!"「よし。その自信を買って、まかせよう!」


Yun: "Your best just isn't good enough!"「思いっきりが足りないぜ!」

King: "Having back-up plans is only something a coward would do."「安全策なんて、臆病者のすることだね。」

(Yun as Partner)

King: "Where... are you looking?"「どこに目、つけてるんだい?」

Yun: "Looks to me their eyes are swimming off. You sure they're not drowning in pain?"「目が泳いでたから、溺れたんじゃないか?」


Yun: "Each and any of these guys... Don't they got any motivation?"「どいつもこいつも...やる気ないのかよ?」

Kyo: "With you as their opponent, of course they won't get fired up."「相手がおまえじゃ、燃えねえとさ。」


Yun: "A kunoichi... Nope, nevermind."「クノイチって・・・・いや、何でもない。」

Mai: "What is it! Come out with it!"「なによ!はっきり言いなさいよ!」

(Yun as Partner)

Mai: "There aren't enough falling cherry blossoms! Get some more coming my way!"「花吹雪、足りないわよ! もっと撒いて!」

Yun: "How did we end up having to do this...."「何でこんな事やってんだ? 俺たち・・・・。」


Yun: "The wind that blows after a win is the best feeling a guy can get!"「勝ったあとの風は最高に気持ちいいぜ!」

Nakoruru: "Let us put forth our best to protect this wind."「この風を守るため、力を尽くしましょう。」


Yun: "You're surprisingly a good dude to be paired up with."「組んでみると、あんた意外といいヤツだな。」

Raiden: "I've always had trouble when it came to looking for mates..."「いつも相棒探しには苦労するぜ・・・・。」

(Yun as Partner)

Raiden: "There's no rope escapes here, mate."『ここには、ロープエスケープは無いぜ。』

Yun: "Even if there was, I doubt you'd let it slide."「あっても許さねえくせによ。」


Yun: "Aww, guess they're out for good."「あーあ、こりゃイっちまってるぜ。」

Rock: "Let's just hope a dream in heaven is what they see."「天国の夢でも見てりゃいいがな。」

(Yun as Partner)

Rock: "What's awaiting me at the end of all this running?"「走り抜けた先に、何が待つんだ・・・・?」

Yun: "You should brush up some more on your training if you have the time to worry."「悩んでるヒマがあったら、稽古でもしなよ。」


Yun: "Well, this is what they call the difference in our talents."「ま、才能の差ってやつだな」

Rugal: "Perhaps your ability lies in the audacity you have to call that "talent.""「それを才能と呼べる厚顔さこそ才能か。」

(Yun as Partner)

Rugal: "If you call this victory a 'brutality', you are right."「この勝利を残虐と呼ぶならば、その通りだ。」

Yun: "...and he just showed his true colors like that!"「・・・・って、開き直りかよ!」


Yun: "Kung-fu is without equal! No matter where in the whole world!"「クンフーに敵なし! 世界中どこにもな!」

Ryo: "You forgot to mention one thing. Its name is Kyokugenryu!"「ひとつ見逃してるぞ。その名も極限流だ!」

(Yun as Partner)

Ryo: "I thought they would've at least gotten back up just once."「もう一回くらい、立ちあがると思ったが。」

Yun: "You should've known it was a done deal after you heard them go [gurgh] a minute ago."「さっき「グキッ」て音したから、無理だろ。」


Yun: "How you feeling? You haven't had a chance at all to do much of anything, right!"「どうだい?あんたの出る幕は当分ないね!」

Terry: "You just had to go and say that. I'm guessing you won't be needing my help, then?"「言ってくれるな。ヘルプは無しでいいのか?」

(Yun as Partner)

Terry: "Yeah! What a dramatic victory that was!"「Yeah!ドラマティックな勝利だ!」

Yun: "We're already used at pretending it was a hard fight, too."「苦戦のゴマかし方も手馴れたもんだな。」


Yun: "Mmm? Do you have a problem with my victory?"「ん?オレの勝ちに何か文句あるかい?」

Todoh: "There's much I would like to note on your offense, but it's sufficient!"「つっこみどころは満載じゃが、まあ良しだ!」


Yun: "Heh, serves you right!"「へっ、ざまあみろってんだ!」

Vice: "You are still a kid to get excited just from something like that."「その程度で喜ぶなんて、まだまだ子供だね。」


Yun: "No matter how you fight, we're still gonna come out on top!"「どう戦おうと、俺たちの勝ちだ!」

Yamazaki: "You just got done in by some kids! Damn bug!"「ガキに遊ばれやがって!虫かテメエら!」


Yun: "Just admit you were unlucky and call it a day."「運が悪かったと思って、あきらめなよ。」

Yuri: "Allow me to foretell your team's fate. All losses across the board!"「ユリ占いだと、全戦全敗って出てるッチ!」

(Yun as Partner)

Yuri: "I will sing the theme song of victory! Time for my applause!"「勝利のテーマ、歌いまース!拍手ーっ!!」

Yun: "Yang, did you bring some earplugs with you?"「ヤン、耳栓持ってなかったか?」

Street Fighter Alpha 3[]

Rival Dialogues[]

vs. Dee Jay[]


Dee Jay: Hey, boys! You got any business with Dee Jay?

Yun: You! Didn't you work with Fei Long? So you know him!? You know where he is!?

Dee Jay: Cool down! Don't be in a hurry! You gotta lay down the rhythm before the words! Let's rumble!


Dee Jay: You're strong! I'm the loser, man! Why are you chasin' Fei Long? C'mon, boys! Tell me!

Yun: We heard a suspicious rumor that he's in with drug dealers!

Dee Jay: Fei Long is a nice guy! There is no way he is a criminal! I don't know where he is now... but I do know where he's going! He's off to a place where strong fighters gather. You know where!

vs. Fei Long[]


Yun: We found you... Fei Long! This is where you practice! We knew you'd come back here!

Fei Long: What do you want? I suppose you're members of Shadaloo!

Yun: Huh? Before you start spouting off accusations, let's fight! I'm not going to waste my time asking a coward questions!

Fei Long: This is a misunderstanding... But fine! Let's fight! You have no business sticking your nose into my work!


Yun: I don't get it... there's nothing in your hands! What kind of connection to drugs are they talking about?

Fei Long: It is true that there were drug dealings in my offices. I didn't know about them... It was a group behind the scenes. I went out alone to find the truth and chase down Shadaloo.

Yun: I can tell you aren't lying just by looking into your eyes. If that's the truth, then I have nothing left to say... Hong Kong is our town. We can't forgive criminals ruining it!

Fei Long: We have the same spirit. Let's fight this battle together!

vs. Juli and Juni[]


Fei Long: ...! It seems they have detected our movements! I'll knock out the bouncer! You go fight the female soldiers!

Yun: Hey Hey! I can handle these guys myself!

Fei Long: I said we should work together! That means fight together too! Let's show those guys the real meaning of justice!

Yun: I'll make you even more famous! Let's make history!

vs. M. Bison[]


Yun: ...!! Fei Long!!

Bison: The perfect ending for a third-rate actress like Fei Long! C'mon, kid... Finish him off for good! Finish him and join in the infinite power of Shadaloo!

Yun: Don't make me laugh, fool! Get away from Fei Long! Prepare yourself! There won't be a trace of you left after this!

Bison: Fool! You should have accepted my gracious offer! Well, I guess I'll have to ask you to leave... this world!

Win Quotes[]

  • "Wasn't it clear you were beat even before we started?!"
  • "Been too busy to prepare, I see..."
  • "This is how things usually work out! Where's your arrogance now?"
  • "This is how it's done!"
  • "Maybe you should ask for divine intervention...?"
  • "Next time you pick a fight, be more careful who you choose!"

Win Quotes (Japanese version only)[]

  • "Finished with ease!"「ざっとこんなもんさ!」
  • "Have you tried asking God for help? Well, even then, He may not be able to help you be a match for the Twin Dragons!"「神頼みでもしてみたらどうだい?ま、双龍の敵じゃねえけどな!」
  • "It was an honor for you, right? To get a taste of Hong Kong's finest kung-fu!"「光栄だち?香港最のクンフー味だぜ!」
  • "You gave up!? Can't you hold out for a bit longer?"「降参だって!?もうちょっと我慢できねえかなあ?」
  • "I can't help but feel gutted about how you fell on over before I even got serious."「本気出す前に倒れちゃあ なんかスッキリしねえな」
  • "What's wrong! You can't afford to get careless now, can ya?"「どうだい!油断してるヒマもなかったろ?」
  • "This is how things usually turn out. What happened to your initial oomph?"「たいていこうなるんだよな 最初の威勢はどうしたんだっての」
  • "You better make sure to wisely choose someone you have a chance against when starting a fight the next time around!"「今度からケンカ売るときは 相手をよく選べよ!」

Win Quotes (character-specific, Japanese version only)[]

  • "Who knew I was in the presence of God? It's even more surprising that I beat him in 3 minutes!"「とんだ神様もあったもんだ 3分でやられてやんの!」
  • "You look like someone who's supposed to be worshipped... Guess I should do that..."「祟られそうだな・・・・一応、拝んどくか・・・・」
  • "You're less like a bull and more like a boar... That's what your face shows!"「猛牛っていうよりイノシシだぜ・・・・そのツラが!」
  • "You're a character who has a lot of things worth digging into, like your holey mohawk!"「タラコロといい穴モヒカンといい 突っ込みがいのあるキャラだぜ!」
  • "You wouldn't stand out as a piece in the Tiger Balm Park!"「タイガーバームパークにいても 違和感ないぜ、あんた!」
  • "You have few reactions. It's like I'm fighting a robot or something."「リアクションが少ないな なんかロボットと戦ってる気分だぜ」
  • "Is this the best of what a pro can do? Show me some of that military pride!"「それでもプロかい?軍人根性ってのを見せてくれよ」
  • "How could you ever go on after losing face by being beaten by a virtuous citizen?"「善良な一市民に倒されちゃって 面目丸つぶれってかい?」
  • "Don't you have few time left to change your life around for the better?"「そろそろ人生やりなおす時間も 残ってないんじゃないの?」
  • "Your attitude of not ditching the taunts until the bitter end... You, my friend, are one of a kind!"「最後まで挑発をやめないその態度・・・・あんた、大物だよ!」
  • "...Talk about creepy. How could someone still be smiling after they've passed out..."「・・・・気味悪ィぜ 失神しても笑ってるよ・・・・」
  • "Fold up your arms properly after they've been stretched! They won't be going back to normal otherwise."「伸ばした腕は、ちゃんとたためよ!元に戻んなくなるぜ」
  • "Your movements are sluggish! You don't need me to tell you why that is, right?"「動きが重いぜ!理由は、言わなくてもわかるだろ?」
  • "Don't look at me anymore! My back's getting the chills."「それ以上、こっちを見るな!なんか背筋が寒くなってくるんだよ」
  • "Watching you fighting on instinct alone sure spooked me out..."「恐えなあ・・・・本能のみで戦うやつってのは」
  • "We would be better suited for being the "Jiētóu Bàwáng/Street Fighters."「「街頭覇王」の名は 俺達のほうが似合ってるって!」
  • "Are you really the legendary assassin? All you did was some basic pensioner stuff."「伝説の暗殺家って、本当にあんた?単なるジイサンだろ、これじゃ」
  • "Mission failed, huh? Do well to not get punished by your superior!"「作戦失敗かい?上官にオシオキされねえようにな!」
  • "Vanish with a gust of wind like, "Poof!" It should be easy for you ninjas, right?"「ほら消えてみせろよ、ドロンって!ニンジャなら簡単だろ?」
  • "You're letting me find places to hit, so you can counter? That's a strange strategy."「ツッコミどころを探させて カウンター狙いか?妙な戦法だな」
  • "So, it all went as you predicted, right? You better make my ranking S+ for future reference!"「どうだい、予測通りだろ?判定は「特S級」にしといてくれよ」
  • "What do you plan on getting by checking me out? I'm already in peak condition."「俺を調べてどうするんだ?いたって健康優良だぜ」
  • "With that gaudy laugh and curly hair, you're so stereotypical it's annoying me."「その高笑いとかロール髪とか お約束すぎてムカついてくるな」
  • "You were saying something about being No.1 in America, but I can see that was all a bluff."「よく全米No.1とかって言うけど あれって全部ハッタリなんだよな!」
  • "I definitely can't see you being a kind neighbor with that face!"「その顔じゃ親しい近所づきあいは 絶対出来そうにないな!」
  • "Those batons weren't of use to you. Especially not now with how they're too short to be used as crutches."「その棒、役に立たねえぜ 松葉杖にするにも短すぎるしな」
  • "The lengths you go to work that fighting spirit are painful for me to watch!"「空回りのスポ根って 見てて痛々しいんだよな!」
  • "Is everyone in the army that friendly with one another? It seems that whatever nation you'd build would be in shambles after not too long, though."「軍人ってのはそんなに仲良しか?国が出来てもすぐ滅びそうだけどな」
  • "Your fortune-telling ain't much. I can put my faith more into feng shui."「あんたの占いも大したことねえな 風水の方が信用できるよ」
  • "That karate gi, have you been travelling while wearing it this whole time? I can say for sure that you've got balls, man!"「その胴着、着たまま旅してんの?勇気あるな、あんた!」
  • "From how it looks to me, you're shining mad crazy, mister!"「見ようによっちゃ光りまくってるぜ おっさん!」
  • "Become better at the things you like, you should keep at it!"「好きこそものの上手なれ、だ あんたもしっかりやりな!」
  • "The whole wabisabi stuff is difficult. I have no clue what to even think of it after seeing you!"「ワビサビってのは難しいな あんた見ててもさっぱり解んねえ!」
  • "With a body as huge as yours, anyone can send it tumbling down!"「その巨体で突っ込んでくりゃ 誰でも撃墜できるぜ!」
  • "You can't even go calling this aerial combat after just jumping all over the place while talking in a weird voice."「へンな声で飛び回るだけじゃ 空中戦って言わないんだよ!」
  • "The Twin Dragons never lose. That means you're a fake."「双龍は絶対負けない つまりあんたはニセモノってことさ」
  • "You can't go training your (wàigōng) external features alone. You must also train your (nèigōng) internal self!"「外功ばっか鍛えちゃダメだ 内功も鍛えないとな!」

Win Quotes (character-specific)[]

  • "You should have learned to master the awesome super arts!"
  • "Evil must be eternal..."
  • "What is wrong with the people around here? They're all freaks!"
  • "And I thought that the people from my era were weird!"
  • "Hmm... You remind me of another fighter from around here..."
  • "Aren't you a bit old to try and start a new life?"
  • "The rhythm definitely got you this time!"
  • "Hey! What are you looking at?! You'd better just stay down!!"
  • "I knew it! Your stunts are done with lame wired special effects!"
  • "Aren't you supposed to be a Ninja or something?!"
  • "You remind me of me and my brother for some reason..."
  • "Your only chance was if you had that cheap touch of death..."
  • "I can see why you don't exist in my time..."
  • "Your weapons are useless against a true master of Kung Fu!"
  • "Could you be any more ludicrous? Who dresses like that, anyway?"
  • "You're not a soldier, you're just a street thug!"
  • "Your cheap games and predictions didn't help you one bit!"
  • "I think you're pretty cool for your age, old man!"
  • "Don't copy others, be original like me and my brother!"
  • "Pride will get you nowhere without the skill to back it up!"
  • "The real twin dragons never lose! You're a fake!"
  • "Somehow, I thought you'd be bigger..."

Street Fighter IV series[]

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition[]


Personal Action[]

In Battle[]

Round Win Quotes[]

Arcade Mode[]


Battle Quotes Chun-Li)[]
